Category: Articles on Pornography

Catholic Man UK Blog

5 January 2021
10 Reasons Why You Should Quit Watching Porn

While the evidence may not be scientifically thorough, there’s certainly enough to suggest that porn has a negative impact on our lives.

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5 January 2021
Neuroscience has proved that porn is literally making men’s brains more childish. Seriously.

The very thing in the brain that is the mark of adulthood and maturity is the thing that is eroded as we view more porn. It is as if the brain is reverting, becoming more childlike. “Adult” entertainment is actually making us more juvenile.

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2 January 2021
Pornography and Acedia

The Catholic Church’s teaching on the evil of pornography is anchored in the dignity of the human person and in the intimately conjoined virtue of chastity. Chastity is not (as current stereotypes insist) prudishness, the fearful contempt of sexuality as a “necessary evil,” unavoidable but ultimately subhuman. It is the virtue that both expresses and preserves the dignity of what is a genuine and surpassing good: the dignity of the human person in sexual matters.

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