Category: Becoming a Man

Catholic Man UK Blog

10 April 2020
Behold the Man!

Everything we’ve been taught about what it means to be a successful man, about achieving status, authority and riches is turned on its head by this otherworldly defendant: “If my kingship were of this world”, he says, “my servants would fight that I might not be handed over to the Jews; but my kingship is not from the world”.

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3 June 2019
Traditional Liturgy and Catholic Masculinity

Anecdotally, it seems that the traditional Mass attracts proportionately more men than modern forms of the Mass. Why is it that Catholic lay men in particular are drawn to the traditional Mass? What is there about its form that appeals to Catholic men of our time?

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12 February 2019
Is There Such a Thing as Authentic Catholic Manhood?

Why is it that men are created to be fathers? Pope St John Paul II tells us in 'Familiaris Consortio' that human fatherhood is meant to reveal and relive on earth the very fatherhood of God.

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13 January 2019
Hope, Despair and the Need for Friendship in Lord of the Rings - the Choices Facing Catholic Men Today

We Catholic men have a choice before us. Either we arise from our stupor and put our houses in order, then pick up our weapons and join the battle, or we let the effluence of fear and despair creep deep into our souls and we give up entirely. Each, individual man, in his own environment and with his own particular set of circumstances, has that singular choice to make: get a grip or give up.

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29 October 2018
The Crisis of Our Times - Too Many Men are Effeminate

According to Thomas Aquinas, effeminacy is an unwillingness to put aside one’s pleasure in order to pursue what is arduous. This is also his definition of sloth, but the difference is that sloth is the aversion of what’s hard whereas effeminacy is the disordered attachment to pleasure.

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