Category: Men and Faith

Catholic Man UK Blog

27 September 2020
The Call to Unity in the Spirit

People who worship many gods cannot hope to be united; their affections are directed to different objects: the god of wealth and pleasure, the god of race and nationalism, the god of individualism. In Christ, however, we are ‘being built together into a dwelling place for God’. We are His temple and He abides in us. As the same God dwells in every heart, we ought to be one, echoing Christ’s beautiful prayer, ‘that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us.’

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25 June 2020
St Joseph the Great

When Jesus first said Abba, he meant Joseph. As with all fathers, the vocation of Joseph was to provide for Jesus as seamless a transition from father to Father as possible.

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22 June 2020
A stepfather, adoptive father, and biological father, Thomas More is a model for all dads

Fatherhood begins with a strong commitment to the sanctity of marriage, something More modelled in the most powerful way – by defending the sanctity of marriage even unto death.

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5 January 2020
Loneliness, Isolation and the Need for Friendship – The Choices Facing Catholic Men Today

Subconsciously, many men know that fraternity will make humbling demands of them. It will challenge them to do the things they should be doing, but don’t because there is no one keeping them accountable. Isolation makes us inert, inertia makes us susceptible to temptation and sin, and sin further isolates us from our brethren and from God.

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3 June 2019
Traditional Liturgy and Catholic Masculinity

Anecdotally, it seems that the traditional Mass attracts proportionately more men than modern forms of the Mass. Why is it that Catholic lay men in particular are drawn to the traditional Mass? What is there about its form that appeals to Catholic men of our time?

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