Annual Conference for Catholic Men

The Path to Mature Manhood - 'Time to Put Aside Childish Things'

15-17 November 2024

Buckden Towers - Buckden, PE19 5TA

“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put aside childish things.” 1 Corinthians 3:11

The focus of the conference is on the transition from childhood to mature manhood. The quote from Scripture identifies the need for intentional action (to put aside) and hints at a new way of living, a conversion, and a form of repentance (metanoia – a changing of the mind). The mature man is recognised in a new way of speaking, thinking and reasoning, through completely letting go of his former self.

The conference will look at pragmatic ways that men can put aside their childish selves through determined, decisive and symbolic acts in their lives.

Talks prompted by the scripture verse:

  • The Corinthians Man – An Overview of 1 Corinthians 3:11
  • Puer Aeternus. The Problem of the Eternal Child

Talks that explore the necessary steps to move from boyhood to manhood:

  • What makes men men?
  • "Sufferering and responsiblity - these are the marks of manhood"

Talks that propose how to live as new men:

  • The Litany of St Joseph - the Manual for Manhood
  • The Monastic 'Horarium' - Prayer, Meditation and Work

Talks that sum up the topic:

  • The Path to Mature Manhood – Where is it Leading Us?
  • My Beloved Son – Every Man Needs the Blessing of the Father
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