
Catholic Man UK Blog

27 September 2020
The Call to Unity in the Spirit

People who worship many gods cannot hope to be united; their affections are directed to different objects: the god of wealth and pleasure, the god of race and nationalism, the god of individualism. In Christ, however, we are ‘being built together into a dwelling place for God’. We are His temple and He abides in us. As the same God dwells in every heart, we ought to be one, echoing Christ’s beautiful prayer, ‘that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us.’

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27 September 2020
Testimony: Mauro Iannicelli

If you are: (1) a Catholic guy (2) who is currently engaging in pre-marital sexual relationships (3) and/or practicing masturbation (even as a married man) … then I INVITE YOU WHOLEHEARTEDLY TO READ MY TESTIMONY!

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28 July 2020
Testimony: James Kirkwood

I’d love to say I immediately got down on my knees and sought the Lord. The truth is I hit the bottle and started womanising. Yet remarkably God's hand was on me.

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19 July 2020
Testimony: Andrew McDermott - an Old Soldier and his Walk with Christ

I have had over the years long periods of separation from my wife, and have, in between bouts of fighting cancer, experienced - painful to admit it - a kind of belated midlife crisis, with all the typical desires: to be young and healthy again; to be more active and more popular; to escape the inevitable call of the grave, the one certain thing that waits us all. One other thing that can hit you, as you become a reluctant old man, is a desire for an adventure, a desire to escape the boring, to rage against the new-fangled nonsense of modernity and the bleakness of individualism.

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14 July 2020
What is a man? What is a woman?

Our reproductive organs are for being and fully becoming a man and a father and being and fully becoming a woman and a mother. But if those organs are used as pleasure toys, then we forget what they are really for and so we deny and block out being mothers and fathers and we therefore forget what it really means to be men and women.

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14 July 2020
Fathers: The Great Adventurers of the Modern World

There is only one adventurer in the world, as can be seen very clearly in the modern world: the father of a family. Even the most desperate adventurers are nothing compared with him. Everything in the modern world is organised against that fool, that imprudent, daring fool, against the unruly, audacious man who is daring enough to have a wife and family, against the man who dare to found a family.

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